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1. An Unexpected Party

going on an adventure.gif

4. The Last March of the Ents


2. The Desolation of Smaug

moon runes long.gif

5. The Lighting of the Beacons

lightning of the beacons.gif

3. The Fellowship of the Ring


6. Mount Doom


Chapter 2: The Desolation of Smaug

  • Elves of Rivendell

  • The Misty Mountains

  • Goblin's Gate

  • The House of Beorn

  • Mirkwood

  • Great Spiders

  • Esgaroth

  • The Lonely Mountain

  • Smaug

Chapter 3: The Fellowship of the Ring

  • Gwaihir

  • Eagles' Eyrie

  • The One Ring

  • Doors of Durin

  • Journey in the Dark

  • The Balrog

  • Lothlórien

Chapter 4: The Last March of the Ents

  • ​Lórien

  • River Anduin

  • Fangorn

  • The White Wizard

  • Isengard

Chapter 5: Lightning of the Beacons

  • Saruman's Storeroom

  • Edoras

  • Rohirrim

  • Minas Tirith

  • Pelennor Fields

Chapter 6: Mount Doom

  • People and Profesions

  • Shelob's Lair

  • The Crak of Doom

Extra Content

Chapter I: An Unexpected Party

  • The Shire

  • Old Forest

  • Tom Bombadil

  • The Prancing Pony

  • The Market of Bree

  • Weathertop

  • Last Bridge

  • Trollshaws

  • Rivendell

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